JCERSM | 第 79 期学术讲座: 韧性基础设施与社区的多分辨率多尺度综合方法 | 主讲人: Hussam Mahmoud
发布时间:2024-04-23        浏览次数:75








Integrated Multi-Resolution and Multi-Scale Approaches for Resilient Infrastructure and Communities



Prof. Hussam Mahmoud







同济大学土木大楼 A305



刘威 副教授



Recent disasters have left communities and policy makers with the question as to how to manage risk. Typical approaches to quantify infrastructure vulnerability to extreme events have primarily focused on analysis of single/isolated structures. However, interaction among all infrastructure during and after the event, and the impact of the disaster on the society as a whole, calls for new analysis methods where vulnerability and functionality of the built environment as well as social and economic institutions is assessed using systems-of-systems approaches. In this presentation, state-of-the-art techniques in quantifying infrastructure damage due to extreme events will be highlighted. The use of the results in holistic socio-technical frameworks to predict recovery of functionality of interdependent infrastructure will also be covered. Emerging methods in graph theory and machine learning will be emphasized as viable tools for damage and recovery quantification.


Speaker Bio


Hussam Mahmoud is the George T. Abell Professor in Infrastructure in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colorado State University (CSU). He obtained his BSc and MSc in civil engineering from the University of Minnesota and his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Dr. Mahmoud’s research focuses on sustainable and resilient infrastructure and communities, emphasizing developing socio-physical models to capture the recovery of systems as influenced by human behavior and socio-economic policies. He is an international authority on infrastructure and community resilience and an advisor to the World Bank, insurance companies, and other agencies on such topics. His recent work on predicting wildfire vulnerability to the built environment is set to provide a new paradigm for wildfire mitigation worldwide. He has authored over 300 publications and given over 175 presentations, including 135 invited talks at national and international conferences and workshops. He has chaired and served on numerous technical committees, including the ASCE Committees on Fire Protection and Multi-hazard Mitigation. Dr. Mahmoud is a Fellow of the Structural Engineering Institute and is the recipient of various awards, including the American Institute of Steel Construction Early Faculty Career Award, the American Iron and Steel Institute Robert J. Dexter Memorial Lecture Award, and the Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Award. He was recently selected by the U.S. National Academies among the 22 New Voices Cohort, representing outstanding and mid-career scientists, engineers, and medical professionals across the US. He has been invited to various symposia by the U.S. National Academies, the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. His research has received media coverage through citations and interviews in numerous venues, including Nature Climate Change, The U.S. National Academy of Engineering, Smithsonian Magazine, CNN, and Forbes.

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