发布时间:2022-11-11        浏览次数:236

题目:Resilience: metrics, assessment and optimization

报告人:Enrico Zio

Mines Paris-PSL, CRC, Sophia Antipolis, FranceEnergy Department, Politecnico di Milano, Italy


时   间: 2022年11月18日(周五)19:00-20:30



摘   要:

As the digital, physical and human worlds continue to integrate, we experience a deep transformation in industry, which far-reaches into our lives. The 4th industrial revolution, the internet of things and big data, the industrial internet, are changing the way we design, manufacture, provide products and services. This is creating a complex network of things and people that are seamlessly connected and communicating.

The innovations that are being developed have high potential of increased wellbeing and benefits, but also generate new and unknown failure mechanisms, hazards and risks, partly due also to new and unknown functional and structural dependencies.

In this lecture, I present some ways for measuring, assessing and improving the resilience of interdependent critical infrastructures (CIs), potentially exposed to disruptive events. I describe a set of analytical and simulation approaches, which integrate quantitative models of infrastructure systems operation and their functional interdependencies. The aim is to be capable of (1) assessing the resilience of interdependent CIs, (2) identifying critical vulnerabilities that threaten their continued operation, and (3) advising policymakers on making decisions for CI resilience improvement.


Enrico Zio received the MSc degree in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1991 and in mechanical engineering from UCLA in 1995, and the Ph.D. degree in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano and in probabilistic risk assessment at MIT in 1996 and 1998, respectively. He is currently full professor at the Centre for research on Risk and Crises (CRC) of Ecole de Mines, ParisTech, PSL University, France, full professor and President of the Alumni Association at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Co-Director of the Center for REliability and Safety of Critical Infrastructures (CRESCI) and the sino-french laboratory of Risk Science and Engineering (RISE), at Beihang University, Beijing, China, adjoint and guest professor in several prestigious universities around the World. He is IEEE and Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer.

In 2020, he has been awarded the prestigious Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany (, one the world's most prestigious research awards across all scientific disciplines. In 2021, he has been appointed as Member of the Board Committee of the International Joint Research Center for Resilient Infrastructure (ICRI) 2021-2026, 4TU.Resilience Ambassador by the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering and its backbone – the 4TU-programme DeSIRE (Designing Systems for informed Resilience Engineering), a strategic capacity building research programme of the four Dutch Technical Universities, Fellow of the of the Prognostics & Health Management Society a world recognized scientist in the area of reliability centered, condition based and predictive maintenance.His research focuses on the modeling of the failure-repair-maintenance behavior of components and complex systems, for the analysis of their reliability, maintainability, prognostics, safety, vulnerability, resilience and security characteristics, and on the development and use of Monte Carlo simulation methods, artificial intelligence techniques and optimization heuristics. He is author and co-author of seven books and more than 500 papers on international journals, Chairman and Co-Chairman of several international Conferences, associate editor of several international journals and referee of more than twenty.欢迎各位老师和同学参加!

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